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When we are opening a window in IEE for the first time, it often hangs for some time when checking for deployment location (See picture below). I found a similar post regarding the same issue, but I dont fully understand the given solution.

Our build_home consists of only Core IFS without our customizations. In order to add our customizations, we build a delivery using the build.cmd script and then install the delivery on our IFS instances. 

The solution says that we should run a clean build through msbuild.cmd, but the msbuild.cmd is part of the build.cmd script. Should we run the complete build.cmd script by using the clean property when we are building the delivery? Or could we run build.cmd without running msbuild.cmd, and then run msbuild.cmd afterwards using the same delivery location? Should the generated delivery fix the problem once we install it?

We are currently running IFS10 update11. 



Hello. We have the same problem on Apps 9. UPD15. It has gotten worse over time and now it is unbearable. I didnt quite understand the msbuild.cmd program or what/how it works. 

I’d really love further information or a solution to this problem!

Thanks in advance. 



Hello, we have the same problem from 4 months in IFS 9 APP.
Someone have any solution?

We also have this issue and we are on Update 23 Apps 10 - Did anyone find a solution for this?
