
Background job error message "Oracle process was killed"

  • 22 April 2024
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 7
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  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 933 replies

Hello everybody,

I got the following error message while processing a background job: 

This background job was set to state Error because the executing Oracle process was killed. ( Detected by cleanup process at 2024-04-22-08.04.09 )

Why does it appear?

How can I enable the checkbox “Exclude from Cleanup”?

5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

@Link Exclude from Cleanup is a command that should be available in RMB → Exclude from Cleanup. In IFS Cloud, it’s a command button visible:


To further analyze this, you may wanna look at the application message id and check what that was → maybe some integration message and the 3rd party system took too long to respond and accept the message?

Take the message ID from the arguments field and check it out.

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Hi @Marcel.Ausan 

thank you for the input.

But you can’t set it as standard?

Unfortunately, no changes in my case.


Userlevel 6
Badge +15

@Link as far as I know the only way to set the background jobs as excluded from cleanup is manually. Anyways I think Exclude from Cleanup is not what you’re looking fore here as that one can be set only after the job has run (in order to do more analysis on it).

Could you check in the Background Jobs which job was running at 22.04.2204 08:04?


See what the documentation says:

The Light Cleanup process will remove Background Jobs in state Ready, Warning and Error unless they are marked to be excluded from cleanup. Each state has their own time limit for how long they should be kept before cleaned. This is set by the system parameters. To change the cleanup interval, change the interval for the " Cleanup age limit in days for completed background jobs ", " Cleanup age limit in days for background jobs with warning " and " Cleanup age limit in days for background jobs with errors ". The only way to remove a job marked to be excluded from cleanup, is to remove it manually.


Background Jobs - Technical Documentation For IFS Cloud

Userlevel 7
Badge +22

Dear @Marcel.Ausan 

thank you again for your input.

This means I need to delete the current database task and create a new one, right?

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

@Link  you could also check the below post where @durette goes into more details on when such scenarios might happen:


Background Job Killed by Light Cleanup Job | IFS Community
