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Is it possible to have payment terms that are due on a specific day of the week?


For example W have a customer who will always pay on a Monday, but sometimes invoices are showing as overdue for 5-6 days - this is more of an issue at Month End.  Can we set up a payment term that will mean the invoice will be due on the Monday after 18 days for example?



Please check below and hope that will answer your question.


Payment Terms to apply to a day of the week | IFS Community


Thanks & best regards,


Hi @SMcLees ,

You can use the specific date functionality and give the date on which Monday falls in the highlighted field below.


However, you always select Monday as you have requested via the standard application.

Best Regards,

You could use:  consider vacation periods and setup the vacation periods to be Tues-Sun - but this would be a lot of setup.    


Hi @SMcLees 

It seems like @Nancy Fink  ‘s answer is a good workaround to sort out your issue.

Maybe you can use the attached script to insert data into the payment vacation window via back end.

You have to provide the values for from_date, to_date, day_of_the_week, company,payment_mehod and customer_id when you execute the script.

It will automatically calculate the start date , finish date and the new due date for the given period. 

Hope this will save your time.


Thanks and regards,
