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Reminder Proposal not sending after 1st reminder

  • 26 January 2024
  • 19 replies

I need help! 
Our template is set up to where it should print out a 2nd to 6th reminder if the invoice is still open.

The first reminder is sent fine, it’s only the next week where nothing happens. For reminders 2, 3, 4 etc.

What do I have setup incorrect? I have the Cust ID, Cust Group, Payer, AR Contact and Currency in the STD template. 


19 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi Stephanie,

Did you check the reminder template? On Reminder Levels, you can specify Min Days to Next Reminder. If it is set to for example 20 days for level 2, this means that level 2 reminders will not be created within the first 20 days after you have created level 1 reminders.

Kind regards, Paul  

Badge +3

I will look into that. Thanks! I’m not familiar with IFS as this is the first time I’ve used it. The company I am working for just started using it about 18 months ago, so we have a few things we need to work out. This is one of them. If it’s not what you mentioned, is there something else it could be?

Badge +3

@12Guide_PaulB we do have that set up. Our first reminder goes out fine - if the customer doesn’t pay, that’s all they will get. That first reminder. 


Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi Stephanie, 

On page Reminder/Interest Information Invoice per Invoice you can see for each invoice when last reminder was send and what level was used. You can also update the values manually. If needed, you can set it to a date further back in time. If you then create a new reminder proposal, it should be included for next level.

Kind regards, Paul

Badge +3

@12Guide_PaulB  Every customer has to have a reminder template set up. Ours is named: Template 1. I don’t understand how the above reply will help me in getting this setup properly. Again, I apologize as I feel like I am walking blindly as I also don’t have complete access (which is a good thing) :)


I have mentioned that the field Reminder Level be added, and it has recently been added - Could this be the reason why levels 2-6 are not being sent? I know that with IFS, something won’t take effect immediately because of its tied history. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

@StephanieAJ  The invoice that you show in the screen shot, does not seem to be reported in a reminder as Reminder Level is 0. After you created the reminder proposal, did you actually print the reminders? Printing the reminders will increase the value in this page to 1. When you then create a new proposal, it should generate a level 2 reminder.

Kind regards, Paul

Badge +3

Hi @12Guide_PaulB - I really appreciate your help. I feel like it’s something super simple that I’m overlooking. THis particular customer only received one reminder. When in theory they should have received 2 

This is the Invoices per Reminder Proposal screen:

And here is the Reminder/Interest Info per Customer

Regarding this invoice, it wasn’t paid until 1/19, but was due on 1/6, which in theory should have generated the first Invoices not due, the initial 7 days past due on 1/17. Anytime an invoice is generated on a reminder whether it’s due or not, it won’t print out again in the future, even if it remains unpaid.


I have other examples, but am feeling like you are probably pulling out your hair.

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi StephaniAJ,

as Paul mentioned the reminder process is finalized when the reminders are printed. As long as you have a reminder proposal in Reminder Proposal screen the Customers/Invoices are not updated with the reminder level. And they cannot be included in another reminder proposal. The screenshot from above shows the details of the reminder proposal. So I assume the the proposal hasn’t been Acknowleged and the reminders have not been printed.

Make sure that the Proposal is Acknowledged

And after Reminders are printed:

After Printing there should be no Reminder Proposal be available. 

If you have OLD Proposal(s) still sitting in the Customer Reminder Proposal screen I would recommend to delete all of them and start over with a new one and follow the steps mentioned above.

After printing the Reminder per Customer you will find the “proposal” in the Customer Reminder History. You can simply review the content of the proposal and its content or cancel the whole proposal or customers from the proposal. (Cancellation will set the invoice to the reminder level before these reminder has been printed)

The process is shown in the IFS Documentation. You can use F1 to access at it shows the relevant information and activity diagramms from the functionality that you are using.


Hope this helps

Badge +3

All of these reminders have been Acknowledged and I hit SEND. Instead of SEND do I need to hit Print? Is that what the issue is???

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi Stefanie,

it looks like :) - where do you have a Send function? Most probably it is a kind of customization? Usually sending reminders by email is connected with an “Event” that is doing the job when the reminders are printed. In the customer you setup on the payment tab how he should receive his reminder.
When creating the reminder document (print) a pdf is created based on a specific layout. 
The event for sending out the reminder by email is checking if a this layout is used and the customer is setup to receive the reminder by email. It will then email the reminder automatically to the specified email address. The ones that should be printed are usually send to a specified printer.
If you have a test environment you can print one of the proposal that you acknowledged. 

Kind regards

Badge +3

@Ralph Gericke after the proposal is acknowledged, and I review the details (include or exclude) I then save it and hit SEND - which in turn sends it to the customer email address on file.

We have not been hitting Print, as we figured that SENDing the reminders were the same thing. We don’t print ANY invoices or statements, they are ALL emailed.

So this isn’t the answer as to why my levels are past 1 are not generating. 

Badge +3

@Peshala Gamage  do you have any idea? On why my Reminder Templates are not being sent after the initial one?

I am having difficulty with Reminder Templates. I can get the first one sent, stating that they are 7 days past due, but after that, nothing generates for that past due invoice. It could be 6 months later and that same invoice is still past due, but the customer only received the ONE notification. What am I doing wrong? I saw a topic where you have the setup instructions, which ours appear to be correct. I don't know what to do. Below are my levels


Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi StephanieAJ,

in IFS Standard there is usually no send functionality. Can you please provide a screenshot, where it is located?  In IFS Standard there is only a Print Option.


Badge +3

@Ralph Gericke once I acknowledge the proposal, I then look at the Details, exclude any customer I don’t want to receive a Reminder, hit Save, and then Send the reminders. Which is like printing, but it’s being emailed to myself and the customer. IFS Prod 10, update 14 - I know that the customer is receiving the reminders, it’s just that they only receive the one reminder, and if the invoice goes unpaid - there is no reminder proposal populating for “level 2”


Badge +3

@Ralph Gericke FYI, I did hit print on one of the proposals and nothing different happened. Other than the Proposal disappearing from the above list of acknowledged proposals. Sorry, meant to mention that.

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Did you hint print proposal or print reminder? Print proposal will only print the overview of the invoices from the proposal. Print reminder prints/sends and updates the reminder level on the invoice. After print reminders the proposal should dissappear from this screen


Badge +3

@Ralph Gericke we don’t print proposal/reminders. We send them

Userlevel 5
Badge +11

Hi Stephanie,

as far as i understood your process you are never using the RMB <Print Reminder>.

You use a selfcreated (not by yourself, but by someone from your company) RMB instead.

Your RMB <Send Reminders> is not completing the reminder proposal process, defined in IFS Application.It is not updating the reminder level on the invoices and releasing them to be used in another proposal some weeks later. As long as the invoices are in a proposal, they cannot be used for another proposal some weeks later. 

In the standard reminder process of IFS the RMB <Print Reminder>

  1. starts the output of the reminders and after doing that
  2. it will update the Reminder Level on the invoice. The output media how the reminders should be send to the customer is defined in the customers basic data. And there are several ways possible.
  1. The proposal will be removed from the Reminder Proposal screen. All information is then available in the Proposal History

You need to check with your IT Department or IFS Consultant how the original idea was to complete the process. This should be described in the solution documentation which is usually created during the implementation by the customer.

Attached you will also find a setup guide which might be helpful.

Kind regards

Badge +3

@Ralph Gericke I have it working now. Thanks so much. I’m not sure why it wasn’t prior and why IFS doesn’t recognize Send and Print as the same function.


I appreciate your help on this. We have 4 companies in this software, all of them are receiving their updated PDF reminder now with no issues, EXCEPT 1. All I changed was the parameters and hitting the print button.

For some reason, when the customer receives their PDF, they can’t open it as it says “The file has no pages”

When I go to the report archive, however, it is there and then I have to save and email it to the customer that way. Do you know why 1 company would do that and not all of them? How do I fix this?
