
Group Consolidation Module

  • 22 January 2024
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Hello to the community, 


I am trying to start using the consolidation module; I created a company as a master company; now i am wondering why I can’t find the module “GROCON” related to group consolidation in the LU list.


Does anyone know what could be the reason why I can’t find the module?


Thank you,


4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +19

Hello @MelTanyaS 

Check component registration if GROCON is active. Only active components are listed in update company functionality.



Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Hello @gumabs , 


Just checked and GROCON does not appear in the list of components


Is there a process to enable it somewhere else first?

Thank you :) 


Userlevel 6
Badge +19

Hello @MelTanyaS 

I think this needs a technical investigation. Can it be due to GROCON module is not installed in your environment. I am not aware of any functionality to make it appear in the component registration by an end user.



Userlevel 2
Badge +7

Thank you for quick reply, okay i’ll try to reach the IT team and see with them


Thanks again 

