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Reprice Request MPM

I read in another thread that there may be an MPM to re-price a request. My first question would be, is there documentaiton on available MPMs?

If not, could someone confirm if there is a re-price request MPM and if so its name?

The intention would be to assign it to a button on the request screen to re-price any part on non-part usages lines. We change linecodes if the customer has caused the breakdown to initiate charging however changing a linecode on a part usage line does not initiate a re-price.

If I can get that working I may look to do it automatically using a business rule to trigger the MPM however I need to know if such an MPM is available in the first instance.



3 replies

Badge +5

Ahh - I just noticed Business Rule 23 which does what I need so I have been able to implement the requirement using this BR.



Userlevel 7
Badge +26


It is great that you found a solution.

For future reference:

  1. There is no MPM documentation.
  2. There is such a MPM


Badge +5

Thanks Shneor
