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Document details - no possibility to change status when approval path is created

  • 2 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Hello everyone


Why is it not possible to change the document staus if there is an approval path created. In case there is no path we can manage the status of the document.



4 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Hi, once a approval process is started, you can complete it (and change status to Approved) from Document Revision level.

Seems it’s specific for scenario with approval steps - it makes the approval process steps more open-ended, as you can add additional approval steps when needed on the Document Revision, before final approval - and still have control over the document approval status.

Without approval steps, there is no need to have this additional control.



Badge +5

Thank you for your answer. I'm aware of this possibility. However, it requires going to the next screen.  My starting point is the "My Document Approvals" screen, where we have a navigation button to the "Document details" screen. It needs to approve the step and then change the status. I think such a feature should be there. My question is still open.

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

@L.Krupa it seems the Approve button is missing in this case in document details page. Pls report a support ticket. Workaround would be to use the Document Overview page or Document Revision page to approve the document.

Badge +5

IFS has promised to introduce a fix in version 24R2.
Thank you for your help and positive response.
