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Dear all,

Would like to know your thoughts on this error.What can be causing this error?




Thank you

Kind regards


Hi @Udanee ,

Based on the printscreen I see that this is an old version of IFS (is it 7.5?).

I do not have that environment to check, but the issue is that there is a released Requisition to the Work Order. You need to close that requisition first before you can finish the work order. My sugestion is to set the requisitiopn back to planned (with RMB) and then delete the requisition line and requisition header.

Please let me know if this answers your question,
Robert Kool

EqeRobertK, Thanks a lot for your help. I will check with the customer on this option.


Kind regards,


@EqeRobertK It seems the issue is having a Released Requisition. However, as the Requisition was processed and PO has already been invoice matched, deleting the requisition is not allowed, IMO.

@Udanee Ideally when the PR is created, the requisition should get the Status = Closed. But it seems like that has not happened. If this is connected to a quotation, this might be a defect (I could remember there were corrections in that flows). Probably you need to go for a data correction to get this sorted. Hope this helps !

Thanks a lot, Buddhika 🙂 We have agreed to check on the data repair option.
