
Warehouse task type - Shop Order Pick List Subsequent Process ID Wrong??

  • 15 August 2023
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 7
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  • Hero (Customer)
  • 554 replies


May I know why warehousE task SHOP ORDER PICK LIST subsequent process ID is REPORT_PICK_PART_SO_PICK_LIST rather than START_SHOP_ORDER_PICKING? This is out of box configuration ID 1. Is it wrong? 


2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @ronhu 

Yes you have a point it should be START_SHOP_ORDER_PICKING. I check in one of our environments but there it is correct:

But when I looked at the installation scripts for part and start process for Shop Order picking I spotted a mistake that part process could override this setting, especially if its installed or run after the start process, so if you have taken a bug fix recently that had an update in the part installation script that might be the reason for this issue.

It is a minor bug, but could be good if you report it to our support. The issue is that this setting from part process should be removed from the process installation script.

Workaround is to either change it manually yourself in the client or re-run/deploy file DataCaptStartSOPicking.ins.

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

@Dario Zani Thank you for your support. 

 we are in APP10, UPD 9, we have multiple bug fix installed without the UPD update.

recently we encounter an error when doing shop order picking list. WADACO completed the picking list 1st line, but stopped asking for GS1 code at the 2nd line.

I will try manually changed at the client side. 

Thank you.
