
Prerequisites to Upgrade to 22R1

Userlevel 2
Badge +8

What are the prerequisites needed to upgrade to 22R1? I basically need to know whether it is possible to upgrade from 21R1 to 22R1 directly? If so what is the minimum SU it should have in 21R1?



Best Regards,


3 replies

Badge +1

Middle Tier Server - Focused discussion for REMOTE installs of “Release Updates”


Use case of 21R1 to 22R1


Be advised that while the Ubuntu K8 version for MS Azure is still 20.04 the installation of Release updates REQUIRES the pre-installation of updated Virtual Appliance and Binaries. (screen Shot #1 below)


These “Downloads” are available in the Cloud Build Place (CBP) under the “Manage Deployments” button


The installer will raise issues IF these pre-requisites fail at installation time (screen shot #2)


SS 1

SS 2


ERROR: JAVA version not supported. Supported versions are OpenJDK 11.0 14.0

ERROR: kubectl client version not supported. Supported versions are 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22

ERROR: ###### This version of the Kubernetes cluster is deprecated. If you run a Remote Installation read the documentation on how to upgrade the Remote Kubernetes cluster. A new version of the Remote Kubernetes cluster ( and that matches the IFS Cloud middle tier version can be downloaded through the ALE portal. ######

ERROR: JAVA version not supported. Supported versions are OpenJDK 11.0 14.0

ERROR: kubectl client version not supported. Supported versions are 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22

ERROR: ###### This version of the Kubernetes cluster is deprecated. If you run a Remote Installation read the documentation on how to upgrade the Remote Kubernetes cluster. A new version of the Remote Kubernetes cluster ( and that matches the IFS Cloud middle tier version can be downloaded through the ALE portal. ######


Userlevel 7
Badge +28

Yes, there is no reason I’m aware of that this is not possible.  We just moved from 21R2U7 to 22R1U3.  As long as the versions are in the current rolling window of 23 months (that is the stated maximum difference), you are supposed to be able to move from one update or one version to another without stepping in between.

My understanding from what was initially stated at the Cloud launch, once on Cloud, you aren’t permitted to go longer than 23 months between updates/upgrades to ensure you stay with in the allowed window.  

Given Cloud was launched in March of 2021, you shouldn’t have to worry about this being a probem for another 6 months.

Badge +1

Hi All,


Any updates on this question??
