Hi @tking,
This is usually caused by a custom view or package created by someone.
Please run following queries on the database to identify any database objects that exceed this limits
SELECT grantee, table_name, privilege
FROM all_tab_privs_made
WHERE owner = 'IFSAPP' AND privilege IN ('EXECUTE', 'SELECT')
AND grantee IN (SELECT role FROM fnd_role_tab)
AND table_name IN (SELECT object_name FROM user_objects WHERE object_type IN ('PACKAGE', 'VIEW')
AND grantor = 'IFSAPP')) t
WHERE length(t.table_name) > 30;
select * from SYS.DBA_VIEWS
where length(view_name) > 30;
select * from SYS.DBA_OBJECTS
where owner = 'IFSAPP' and object_type = 'PACKAGE' and length(object_name) > 30 and object_name like '%API';
select * from SYS.DBA_TABLES where length(table_name) > 30;
Hope this helps!
Thank you Charith.
I appreciate the insight and the code.
Interestingly “no rows selected.” from each of the queries.
If there are custom objects (tables, sequences) grants done through SQLPLUS those can be found by altering Charith’s first SQL a little as below.
FROM (SELECT grantee, table_name, privilege
FROM all_tab_privs_made
WHERE owner = 'IFSAPP'
AND privilege IN ('EXECUTE', 'SELECT')
AND grantee IN (SELECT role FROM fnd_role_tab)
AND table_name IN (SELECT object_name
FROM user_objects
WHERE object_type IN
AND grantor = 'IFSAPP')) t
WHERE length(t.table_name) > 30;
Many thanks to you also for taking the time to reply with a suggestion.
Unfortunately, your query also results in no rows selected.
hmmm maybe a col comment is causing the issue. My last SQL for the week
SELECT table_name,
Dictionary_SYS.Comment_Value_('LU', comments)
FROM fnd_tab_comments WHERE LENGTH(Dictionary_SYS.Comment_Value_('LU', comments)) > 30