Hi Dilshan,
With SSH you can specify the private key to use with the "-i <path to private key>" option.
ssh -i <path to private key> ifs@mcihpdifsl01.d29.tes.local
However, I am not sure if we have a similar option with the main.ps1 scripts.
Most likely the default private key being used is %USERPROFILE%\.ssh\id_rsa.
Is your specified key RSA? If so, you could try 1) backing up the original id_rsa and id_rsa.pub and 2) replacing with your specified key pair, and 3) renaming to match id_rsa and id_rsa.pub.
(Make sure that you have backups to restore if necessary.)
See if this works with SSH without specifying the private key with the -i option.
If so I would expect that the main.ps1 script to work as well.
If still not working, please specify the -vvv option to the SSH command to output verbose debug information to determine where it is failing.
Best regards -- Ben
Hi @Dilshan Aththanayake Have you tired manually generating a keypair from the Middleware server? And also can you check whether the IFS user has necessary access?
sudo adduser ifs
sudo usermod -aG sudo ifs
sudo usermod -a -G microk8s ifs
sudo chown -R ifs ~/.kube