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Have there been issues Loading Apps10 - Release 6, Release 7, or Release 8?  Were there performance issues with any of these versions?


Hi @Barbara.Wade,

Thank you for contacting IFS. I am trying to assist since there hasn’t been a response. Your issue and the question is not so clear and that might be a reason where there hasn’t been any answer.
(1) Could you please be more specific as to what you mean by Release 6/7/8, can you provide a case ID or details of delivery if available ? Is it a specific release to you ?
(2) Can you please provide any link where this has been mentioned to you ? 
(3) Also kindly provide screen captures or any test steps (functional flows) where you observe such performance issues (is it in the whole application or a particular flow?).

Detailing on your exact issue with background would provide you with more effective and efficient answers.

Thank you for understanding.
Best Regards,
