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I’m trying to update in a BPA worklow in the MaterialRequisition the Note on the MaterialRequisitionLine, but it does not work. (No error in the inspector, everything is fine)

Is the NoteText maybe stored somewhere else because what me worry is the NoteId. For what is this used if not as a reference to another tabel/entity. If so, can you tell me this entity, please?

Or do you have another clue to store notes for me?
Many thanks!

...luname : "MaterialRequisLine" ▽ MaterialRequisitionSet_Set :         {            Company : "xxx"            LabelCodenoA : "Account"            NoteText : null            DateEntered : "02/12/2024"         ▽ keyref : "ORDER_CLASS_DB=INT^ORDER_NO=456^"            OrderNo : "456"            IntCustomerNo : "9999"            StatusCode : "Released"            DestinationId : null            StatusChangeAllowed : true            TotalValue : 1.95            CreatedByUserId : "HGRUBEN"            PreAccountingId : 7162            DueDate : "02/12/2024"            NoteId : 271746            InternalDestination : null            Objgrants : null            OrderClass : "INT"            DocumentText : false...
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