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Why when I register again a purchase order to warehouse then a material cost is without charge ?  

When I did steps:

  1. I receipted a purchase order to warehouse by price with charge ( 20,00) 
  2. I  returned a purchase order
  3. and I receipted again a purchase order to warehouse - BUT by price without charge ( 10,00) 

Why ?

I need material cost with charge. 



Hi @Magdalena Kasjaniuk 

  • Assume your part Inventory Valuation Method is Weighted Average and your charge type is defined with ‘Distribute on Receipt’ indicator enabled. With your first-time arrival registration, posting related to the Charge will be recorded. Suppose, now you return the received items for Rework. With this Rework transaction, the already created posting for the Charge will be reversed. Now, when you return the item back after rework process, the already reversed posting transaction will not be corrected. The reason for this is with the existing design we are unable to identify whether your arrival registration is for ‘Return for Rework’ or first-time arrival.
  • If we consider the Purchase Charge Type with the Unit charge indicator enabled, we can reverse the absorbed M1 value by creating the relevant charge receipt entry again. That is correct with the unit charge concept, whereas for all other options, it is a matter of the system absorbing only the charge according to the quantity that has been ordered.
  • I tried to explain your issue with common perception and hope that it will help you.



Ok thank you, but what happen with purchase invoice when I register it befor ‘retwork’ and ‘arivval’ again ?  I defined type of charge as  “Distribute charge by Per line” .


and maybe you know, how can I do that monitoring cost of purchase  (it means ‘price of purchase’ and ‘cost of transport’ = charges ) in the Warehouse ? 

When I use the Purchase Charge Type with the ‘Unit charge’ then I can’t.
