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We have a customer order where the line was originally setup with Supply code  Purch Order Trans.

The part was received from the supplier and booked in but later returned to them for credit after failing inspection.

The part has been shipped back to the supplier for credit with no replacement order.

However we now cannot unpeg the Customer order Line connected to this or changed the line status to cancel. 

How can we cancel this line and allow the overall order to then be completed?


No option to unpeg



HI Danny, 

Have you Unreserved the reserved Qty line before cancelling the Customer order line? After Unreserving, the cancelling the corresponding order line should be possible. 

Thanks & best regards,
Dinudu Kankanamge
IFS Unified Support. 

Hi Dinidu,

The reserved Qty is 0 on this customer order line.

What can we then do in this instance?


Hi @Danny 

    Why you need to cancel the CO? You ordered the part from the supplier and received. Then, you returned the part because of quality issues. So, you have already gone the ordering and receiving process and can’t be identified as a ‘Cancel’ order.



Hi Payal,

We wish to cancel that customer order line. We need to add a new line to source the part from another supplier now.



Hi @Danny ,

Have you tried to reopen the purchase order line and then proceed to cancel the customer order line?



How do you reopen a closed purchase order?


Also we have multiple situations where the customer order line is linked to a purchase order. The purchase order was received but the parts where unpegged and used on a different order.. 

The purchase order are closed. As they are fully received.

But we cannot cancel the original customer order line due to its connection with the purchase order.
How do we cancel this line?

This means the overall status of the customer order is stuck in Partially Delivered Giving the wrong information to Operations on outstanding orders. As we now have 7 orders with this issue where we cannot cancel the customer order line.


Hi @Danny,

I was able to replicate the issue you have shown. 

As purchase order flow has already been closed (PO received and returned), then don’t replicate changes to your pegged order when trying to cancel the customer order line. This is because you cannot cancel now the purchase order line, so it’s of no use to replicate changes. Once this is done, system will warn that the demand code in pegged purchase order will be changed. As a result, customer order line will be cancelled and pegging removed.


I hope this helps.



Hi Pilar,

Unfortunately we do not get an option to select replicate changes, It isn’t on the screen for us. So we error at this point.



Hi @Danny ,

Then, I recommend you to create a Support ticket and Support team will be able to investigate this further in your environment.


