Set a quantity level in warehouse/location when refilling
Is there a way to set a quantity level of a part (like safety stock in inventory part level in overall) in a specific location, so that refilling of the part to that location will be triggered, only when the qty of the part falls under a specific qty in that location ?
For an example, part A is there in location X and location Y, and location X need to be refilled from location Y, only of the qty of part A in location X is under 10. IS there a standard functionality achieve this. Any way to achieve this ?
I have tried putaway zones functionality, by ranking the storage zone for location X, above storage zone for the location Y, and after running/scheduling the task “Refill All Putaway Zones”, a transport task is created to move all the qty in location Y to location X, since I have not defined any storage requirement restrictions.
Thank you in advance !
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Hi @ThushAsanka,
I believe you could use Kanban setup to achieve this. There you could mention the two locations, from which to where and to maintain what qty as the reorder point. Once that To location goes below the reorder point, system will create a transport task to refill.
Let me just take you through a simple example.
You can create a Kanban Circuit like below for Part A (in my example it is TI-KAN-P1) and set it to Active state.
Now, in my INB location I have only 3 qtys which is less than Reorder Point requirement of 10. So a replenish needs to take place. Also, I have more than enough at my RLO location.
You could replenish this location by running the below job.
As a result, system will create a Transport Task to replenish the INB with required qty(7) to achieve Reorder Point.
Instead of specifying an exact location no for Replenish Source you could even set it to replenish from number of other sources as well.
Hope this clarifies your question.
The requested functionality is available for ‘Remote warehouses’ via assortments.
The Remote Warehouse Assortment window is used to define which parts that should be connected to the Remote Warehouse. For each part it is possible to set; Refill Parameters, Refill Source (Inventory and Purchase) and if excess stock could be removed or not.
The Remote Warehouse Assortment can also be used to prioritize Assortments, connect them to Sites and Remote Warehouses
Hope this information helps.
Best regards,
@Tharindu Illangasinghe .
Hi Tharindu, Thank you very much. It seems a better solution. I’ll try that.
@Malsha Amarasinghe,
Thank you Malsha.
The problem is current configuration is there such that the warehouses of the particular locations have not been set up as remote warehouses.