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Scheduling Supplier Reliability Statistics

  • Sidekick (Customer)

Is there a way to schedule the Supplier Reliability Statistics from within IFS? I know how to create them manually, but I would like to automate the updating of the statistics and don’t see a way to do it in the system. Is the only option an external job to call the API?


Rangi Wijewardana
Hero (Employee)

Yes, you can Schedule both supplier reliability statistics and supplier quality statistics.

  • If you check the background job triggered by manual execution of create statistics,you may find the background job function for generating supplier reliability statics Purchase_Stat_Util_API.Do_Generate_Reliab_Stats__
  • Then Go to New database task window and click on Select Method
  • Find the method under purchasing\PurchaseStatUtil\PURCHASE_STAT_UTIL_API\ Do_Generate_Reliab_Stats__
  • Enter and save 
  • Now Go to New Database task schedule window, click on Task Name Lov and select the task method name Purchase_Stat_Util_API.Do_Generate_Reliab_Stats__
  • Schedule the task accordingly

Rangi Wijewardana
Hero (Employee)




Asela Munasinghe
Superhero (Customer)

This was something I wanted to implement too. Thank you @Rangi Wijewardana :)


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