On the sales part it is possible to set a minimum sales qty, but is it also possible to set the sales qty as a fixed multiple. For example, you can only order multiples of 100 (100 - 200 - 300 -...) and not 250 for example?
I would think there would be a standard field for something like this but I can’t seem to find it.
Best Regards
Roel Timmermans
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Hi, please check whether you can get any help from the answer in below question.
Hi @Manoj Balasooriya,
I’ve looked at the other topic. The topic question is indeed identical. I’m not so happy with the response though. It seems a complex workaround for something that seems pretty simple and should be standard functionality in my opinion.
Some other workarounds I thought about was using ‘Package Part’ with UoM in Pcs, and having my actual sales part as a component with a fixed qty. Or having another salespart, also with UoM = pcs and set into the description the standard qty like ‘Bottle of 25kg’.
is there no ‘cleaner’ alternative?
Best Regards
Roel Timmermans
Create a custom field on SalesPart called PACKAGE_QUANTITY, of type Number
Create a Custom Event called VALIDATE_PACKAGE_QUANTITY, on LU CustomerOrderLine and table CUSTOMER_ORDER_LINE_TAB. Fire on new or changed objects, when BUY_QTY_DUE is changed. Expose the new values of BUY_QTY_DUE, CONTRACT, and CATALOG_NO.
Create a new Event Action, of type “Execute Online SQL”.
DECLARE package_quantity_ NUMBER; BEGIN BEGIN SELECT sp.cf$_package_quantity INTO package_quantity_ FROM sales_part_cfv sp WHERE sp.contract = '&NEW:CONTRACT' AND sp.catalog_no = '&NEW:CATALOG_NO'; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NULL; END; IF package_quantity_ IS NULL THEN RETURN; END IF; IF MOD(&NEW:BUY_QTY_DUE, package_quantity_) != 0 THEN error_sys.record_general( 'CustomerOrderLine', 'BADPACKAGEQTY: Part number :P1 must be sold in lots of :P2 per Acme business rules.', '&NEW:CATALOG_NO', package_quantity_); END IF; END;