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Pegging lines within the same Purchase Order to each other

  • 25 July 2024
  • 3 replies

In APPS 10 IEE, if you have a Purchase Order with multiple lines on a single supplier, and need to have multiple lines pegged to each other as the supplier needs to use 2 of the parts on the order to manufacture a third part, can you peg the lines together. I can peg shop orders together, shop orders to purchase orders and purchase orders to shop orders, but can’t find a way of pegging either one purchase order to another purchase order, or in this example trying to peg one line from a purchase order to a different line on the same purchase order. If it’s  not possible in APPS 10 is there another way of doing this 

Hi @AsahiNick ,

If the “supplier needs to use 2 of the parts on the order to manufacture a third part”, are you then providing the component parts to your supplier to get the manufactured part from supplier?. 

Please, clarify this.



Hi Pilar, in this example, No we are not supplying them with the Parts, we have a Purchase Order with the Supplier, one line of which is a sub-assembly and another line of which is for a Part to be used in the Manufacture of the sub-assembly. We’re trying to figure out if we can peg for example PO Line 1 to PO Line 33 within the same order

Hi @AsahiNick ,

As far as I know, pegging in IFS is used to connect a supply to a demand. In your case, both Purchase Order lines are supplies. Then, the responsibility of pegging lines together would be from your Supplier side, I guess. But you can also create a new Idea with a detailed business case so RnD can analyze if this could be useful.


