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Partially delivered Shipment

  • 5 September 2024
  • 3 replies

I'm trying do find a way of work for Partially delivered Shipment and print shipment delivery note


For example

Order is 50 Lines

Shipment 50 Lines

We Partially pick 20 lines and the truck arrives and picks it up, print shipment delivery note

for those lines.

We continue to pick the rest now we want to print new shipment delivery note for those 30lines



Now here is the wish list an easy way of work for this, and keeping the same Shipment ID


We “know” how to split the shipment to 2 different but we think this is to cumbersome for you warehouse workers 


we are currently on 22r2






3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9


A shipment is by definition one delivery that is loaded and unloaded at once to/from the same transport vehicle with all relevant documents e.g. Shipment Delivery Note, Consignment Note, Bill of Lading etc. Note that you also get one Actual Ship Date with time stamp per shipment. What is not included needs to be reassigned to the next shipment

Not sure if you are using Shipment Handling Units, because in 24R1 a new loading of handling units process was added. You load the handling units and then finish the loading and thereby get one shipment for what you deliver and one shipment for what was not loaded. In your version you can do reassign of line by line (which I guess you would like to be done for multiple lines at once?) and/or release quantity not reserved from the shipment.

Best Regards


Badge +1

@Fredrik Johansson LKP 


Thank you, so they way of work i found for 22r2 is what you say 

Reassign the non picked line to the new shipment ID, then start picking on that one 

So 2 shipment 1 customer order, and yes we use shipment handling units 

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Not sure exactly how you work but if you work in your example:

Order is 50 Lines

Shipment 50 Lines

We Partially pick 20 lines and the truck arrives and picks it up, print shipment delivery note

for those lines.

We continue to pick the rest now we want to print new shipment delivery note for those 30lines

Do you first reserve, create pick list and pick the first 20 lines, deliver them. Then you reserve, create pick list and pick the rest and deliver?

If that is the case I think it is better to use shipment creation at pick list creation. You can also add Release Quantity Not Reserved as optional event at report picking. Then you will have a shipment only containing what you have picked. You have option to block that shipment from automatic connection as well manually or as optional event. Then you can reserve, create pick list and pick the rest on a new shipment. Perhaps this will not work as you reserve and create pick list for all 50 lines initially?
