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Due to various complexities, we can't currently use CRO. 

So, when a Customer needs to return their kit for (e.g.) repair, we use non-inventory lines, but we then have nothing to ship, when the Customer wants their kit back. 

One of our consultants suggested using Non-Inventory Sales Part with category “Goods” for this purpose, but I can’t make them deliverable either. 

Does anyone have experience of this? 

Hi @KezziaK,

What’s the problem you have to deliver a non-inventory sales part?



Thank you for your reply, @Pilar Franco!

I genuinely believed that Non-Inventory parts could not be shipped, but I have since been advised that they can be, as long as the category is Goods.

However, they’re not showing up on Shipment or QOFH. 


Hi @KezziaK,

I’ve just did some tests both with Goods and Services non-inventory parts and they can be shipped in a Shipment with no problem. Also, these lines are available in Quick Order Flow Handling flow.

The only difference with inventory parts is that steps available in shipment are Complete, Deliver and Close. And in QOFH, you just need to Deliver.

Perhaps there’s something I’m missing, but I still don’t see where is the problem.



Thanks @Pilar Franco 

I better do some investigating - it could be an issue with our set-up.

But really good to have confirmation that both methods work :)

Thank you!
