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In our Apps 10 environment we use MS Level 1 to enter the Master Schedule Forecast.   We have the site manufacturing calendar set up for a 5-day work week starting on a Monday and ending on a Friday.  We are able to enter a forecast date of a Saturday but not a Sunday.  Why are we able to enter a forecast date of a Saturday when Saturday is not a workday?  We also have an exception ID for our holiday days.  We are also able to enter to enter a forecast date on a holiday day, why?   The example below has allowed a forecast date of 7/1/2023, which is a Saturday.  It also allowed a forecast date of 9/1/2023, which is on the holiday exception as a non-workday. 




From  Apps9 and onward you should be able to enter forecast on any date as long as it is beyond demand timefence. This was a requirement from many of our Scandinavian customers which have a tradition of stop production during some weeks in July, but they keeping selling “the ice-cream”. So they want to enter forecast records in July, when there are no manufacturing calendar days. MS will propose production ahead of the vacation period.


Ok, that makes sense.  Can you advise why the forecast on a Saturday rolls to a Tuesday?  Then the forecast on a Sunday and Monday do to roll?  Below are screen shots from 6/17 where the forecast rolled to 6/20 and then a screen shot from 6/18 showing the forecast remained at 6/20.  The forecast on 6/19 also remains at 6/20.  The forecast will next roll from 6/20 to 6/21 on 6/20??

Forecast on 6/17


Forecast on 6/18


Hi @majose ,

I am also interested on this topic. 

We have production and warehouse both working from Monday to Friday. So there is no actions in IFS during the weekends. But still, there is forecast on weekends. 

In Site, we have set different calendars in distribution and Manufacturing. 


to those calendars we have set working days as people work (2-shift or one shift)



Is there any way in IFS to get those forecasts away from weekends? 

And this same applies to Exception dates also, if we have for example one week holiday. Production and warehouse are both away → no actions during that week in IFS → Why system forecasts also to those exception dates?

System can put the supplies correctly to working days, but why system can’t do the same to forecast? 

→ how to get rid of forecast on weekends and exception dates? Is there some parameters in MS level 1 part which I should check? 



Hi Hanna,

Some years back when forecast dates was only allowed to be entered on manufacturing calendar days, we got massive complaints about that. Typically from customers in Scandinavian countries with the long tradition of long summer vacation periods. “We sell ice creams in July but we don’t produce them”. Then we changed that in Apps9 (I think). On the other hand, it must. from your end, be possible to enter the forecast on the dates you want. We just opened up the possibility of entering forecast on any date.

Sometimes it is hard to make the software both flexible and restrictive at the same time…

Perhaps one solution when entering forecast is to check if the date is on either a manufacturing calendar day OR a distribution calendar day. If YES then OKAY else raise an error message. Just thinking loud... 

Best Regards,


Hi @majose ,


Somehow I feel that this should be handled with some parameter in IFS, companies could get the forecast the way they want and work in real life. Otherwise it is hard to get correct requisitions to purchasing and manufacturing departments.


Can you explain me this question related to MS level 1 part, why there is in the end of the month forecast for 517 pcs? 

Exported forecast is for August 500pcs. 


Hi @majose again,

I found another thing that I do not understand in MS level 1 part. 

in 19.7.2023 → why there is 13 pcs in ‘unconsumed forecast’ ? 

                        → where does 11 pcs value come to ‘Forecast 1’? 



Hi @majose


Please look my several questions (previous comments in this discussion)

I read your comments to my first question again. Still, I do not know to handle situation in our company,

We have situation that we are not producing and not selling ‘ice cream’ during the holiday period→ why distribution calendars exception dates do not affect to forecast in MS level 1 part during that exception time period? Supplies are on the basis of manufacturing calendar, that is correct. But why distribution calendar do not affect to forecasted days in MS level 1 part? 


Hi @majose ,

Please look my previous comments. 

Hi Hanna,

When it comes to screenshot where you ask about the date 19/7

First, the reason why system chooses 19/7: That is the first date outside DTF. So one day after DTF. And DTF and PTF are always aligned after the manufacturing calendar (in later Cloud version it is dependent of the part type of the MS part. A purchased part uses the distribution calendar).

Then to your questions. I cannot explain the 11. 6 out of those 11 comes from the remaining unconsumed forecast that originates from the demand 7/7. The remaining 5 is from previous Level 1 calculations. There is a table under the hood, that system uses to keep track of older forecast records, that cuts in here. 

The unconsumed forecast of 13 is just a calculation of: Forecast Lev0 + Forecast Lev1 - Consumed Forecast and in this case it is: 2 + 11 - 0 = 13


Hi again Hanna,

Regarding your 500 <=> 517 problem. I.e importing from Demand Planned to MS Level 1. Do you import it using Daily Distribution? It looks so, but anyway good if you can show me the setting you are using in the import dialog. Potentially there could be a round problem. Too many 17 compared to 16 forecast qty records in MS Level 1 part.

OOOPS I just found we have done a fix in later cloud tracks here. Please enter a support case for this. So in this case we divide 500/30 and not 500/31 which we should.



Hi @majose 

Thanks from comments. 

Why system devides with some ‘locked’ amount of days, why not with the qty of days in distribution calendar which is set to Site? 



Hi Hanna,

Well, since right now forecast can be entered on any day, the import job follows that as well, like it or not.

Best Regards,


Hi @majose , 

well I think that is not logical that ‘import forecast’ job uses always the same amount of days. It should use distribution calendar working days → those days when products can be delivered in real life. 

But, probably this is not solved now… just needed to survive with this.. 

