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There are times when Forecast is staying inside of Demand Time Fence and driving requirements into MRP.  Some of the forecast is 2+ years old.  We use Demand Planner to load forecast into MS 1.

Hi @jrauh ,

Do you mean loading forecast from the demand planner to MS 1 within the demand time fence or dropping of MS forecast crossing the demand time fence???


Mithun K V

Dropping of MS Forecast crossing the demand time fence...thanks

Hi @jrauh ,

Based on the setting of Unconsumed Forecast Disposition the unconsumed forecast will be either dropped or rolled up to the first day outside the demand time fence. 

But you are seeing 2+ year old data then there might be something wrong with the data. One thing you can do is you can delete those lines so it stops generating the demand for MRP and see whether same things are happening for the recent forecasts.


Mithun K V

My concern with deleting it is we would never know what the cause of the issue and will have to find a way  to identify this has happened.  Is there anything specific we could look for that maybe causing the problem? 

Hi @jrauh ,

I can only think this situation might have arise due to forced data entry. But, I don't think so we can identify the root cause if things are working fine for the the recent forecast.


Mithun K V
