There was a topic previously discussed regarding Inter-site Direct Deliveries. Part of the answer was that by using the ‘Int Purch Dir’ at the external customer order line, it creates a Purchase Order on the Demand Site (Site A in this case), and a Customer Order on the Supply Site (Site B in this case) to be delivered to the customer directly.
Once done go to ‘Register Direct Delivery’ and search for internal PO number there. Once you complete with register direct delivery, Internal PO will be closed, and the External customer order will be able to be Invoiced / Closed.
However, we are finding situations where the connected Purchase Order is still in an arrived status and is not closed. The items are showing shipped, arrived, and shipped on all the connected items, but the PO just remains open. I don’t know if it is something that we need to change a setting on, or if we are doing something in error, but I am seeing that we have over 20,000 purchase order lines from one site to another with 0 due at dock. I would expect these should all be closed, but would like additional help, or see if there is a “clean up” feature that could be used instead of looking them at them one by one.