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I am testing Shipment Handling Unit Structure function in IFS Cloud. But after I add a handling unit I don’t know how to attach parts to the handing unit as the diagram explains, did someone use this function before and could you give some clues?

Many thanks.

@eric.sun , did you notice this post? 



As per my understanding HUs in 21R1 is not much different from that of Aurena. Please try the Aurena screens in the above post and see if it works for you?


Are you referring to ‘Shipment Order’ in 21R1 instead of the Shipment we are referring to in App10? 

@EnzoFerrari , thanks for your answer. I checked the post but I can’t find the Attach function in my IFS Cloud environment. Does that mean my environment was not configured this function? Thanks.


@eric.sun Do you see the 3 dots on the line and highlighted right mouse button function? 


As per the previous thread, try the 3 dots which will display the right mouse menu. Then try to atatch



I think here, you can unattach / modify



@EnzoFerrari , only see the options below, no attach function. Thanks.


@eric.sun , when you click the 3 dots in the first IFS window ‘Inventory Parts in Stock’ what do you see? Can you please send a screenshot of that as well? 

@EnzoFerrari , Hi Enzo, please see my screenshot below. Thanks.


Seems like a permission issue @eric.sun . Please check internally if your user has been granted access for that operation? Your IFS Administrator might be able to clarify I guess

@EnzoFerrari ,thanks, I will contact with our administrator.

@eric.sun another reason you see nothing to attach at ‘Inventory Part in Stock’ might be because you haven’t set up the HU yet? It has to be at both Part Master level as well as Packing Instruction to attach to a specific part as per my understanding. 


  1. Part Master e.g. 
  1. Packing Instruction e.g. 


Please verify if you have defined those first?

@EnzoFerrari , Hi Enzo, really appreciate for your great support on this. Now I can pack the shipment now. I created part handling unit capacity and now I can complete the package now. But I noticed that we can only pack with one handing unit type ID, is it possible to pack with multiple handing unit Type ID’s? Sorry for asking so many questions but if we want to use this function we have to consider different scenarios. Thanks a lot.


@eric.sun it’s not trouble at all. Glad to help :)

First of all, you have chosen ‘Pack according to HU Capacity’ over the other option ‘Pack According to Packing Instruction’.


When doing so, first check if you have defined Handling Unit Capacities under the Part Master. I think it should do the trick. There you can define different levels of each HU Id, along with the quantities. e.g. in the below part, its packed 1 part per box and 2 such units are packed into a Euro Pallet. 


Please let me know if the above helps? 




@EnzoFerrari , thanks. Actually I do created multiple levels in Part Handling Unit Capacity, but when I click ‘Pack according to Handling Unit Capacity’ IFS just takes the small box unit to pack, not sure what’s the logic of IFS.


If you select Pack According to Handling Unit Capacity-There will be only a single level in the HU structure.

To be able to generate multi level HU structure with different Handling Unit types, you can use Pack according to packing instruction.



  • Shipment type-shipment created when releasing .optional event after picking pack according to packing instruction (To trigger automatic packing by shipment type optional event) 
  • Default packing instruction .To enable system to decide handling unit type to be used  Ex: 1Pallet-2 Big Boxes-4 Small Boxes 
  • Part\Handling unit capacity . Define handling unit capacity for the part relating to at least one handling unit in the structure.  ex: Small box can contain 5pcs, Carton/large box can contain 50 pcs Pallet has additive /dynamic volume 
  1. Create customer order, release and connect to shipment 
  2. Reserve  
  3. Report Pick   
  4. Check the handling unit structure tab on the shipment -parts have been automatically packed.

Without triggering automatic packing, you can select Pack according to packing instruction manually on the shipment and select available packing instruction (Packing Instruction is a template which can be used to generate multilevel HU structure automatically.)



@Rangi Wijewardana , Hi Rangi, thanks for your information. Actually I want to add multiple handling unit types with one level, for example we pack with big boxes for some stocks but pack with a small box for the remainder, which means big boxes and the small box should be added parallelly.  Yes Pack According to Handling Unit Capacity can only add single level HU structure and single HU type. If we want to add multiple HU types within one single HU structure we can separate the picking, which means we can create a picklist for big boxes and then pack them, after that we create picklist for the remainder and then pack them with a different HU type. This is the solution that I can find at this moment to handle multiple HU types within one single HU structure. Please see the screenshot to learn more details. Anyway, thanks for your help on this.

