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How does Handle Customer Order Shortages work in IFS cloud.


i assumed that if i placed an order on the system and there were no corresponding shop order raised prior to the required date this would show up as a customer shortage prompting me to communicate with the other business units to find out why there is no build demand 


Hi Steve.  If you want to be alerted to Shortages, you will need to check the Shortage Notification checkbox on the Inventory Part.  As noted in the help text below, additional setup can be done through the Asset Class which is under the General tab of the Inventory Part.


When MRP/PMRP/Order Proposal Report, etc (depending on the Planning Method) runs, a Supply Purchase or Shop Order Requisition will be created for the Demand.


Unless Supply was manually created or if there is Safety Stock entered for the part, you wouldn’t have any Supply Orders created until there is a need for the part being ordered by the customer.

Apologies i dont think the above is what i am looking for.

See below page from cloud i have demand on the system with no shop orders yet raised so i would assume the order would show in the below page but no data pulls through?



Hi Steve,

For the shortage handling to work, a reservation must be attempted on the demanding orders (ex. shop orders). If this attempt is not made, the system won’t create a shortage alert, even if the parts are actually in short. In order words, the entries in the underlying database tables are created through the reservation logic, it does not run upon each demand entry in the system.


Hi Steve,

For the shortage handling to work, a reservation must be attempted on the demanding orders (ex. shop orders). If this attempt is not made, the system won’t create a shortage alert, even if the parts are actually in short. In order words, the entries in the underlying database tables are created through the reservation logic, it does not run upon each demand entry in the system.



Thanks I can now see a shortage after attempting to reserve the order.

however this does not help me as i would like to show customer orders with shortage well in advance of reservation stage so i can escalate and correct the shortage before it happens.

I don’t see how this “Handle Customer Order Shortages” option within IFS is helpful as by the time you attempt to reserve an order and find a shortage there is a high chance the shortage will make the order late at the point of trying to ship to the customer.


Thank you for your help anyway 

Hi Steve, it is what it is  - don’t shoot the messenger 🙂.

For your query you could see if the IPAP overview page is usable to extract this information. Filter out everything where (QtyOnHand + Supply) < Demand (I am a novice on the Aurena search capabilities, so cannot help you on that part):



Hi Steve, it is what it is  - don’t shoot the messenger 🙂.

For your query you could see if the IPAP overview page is usable to extract this information. Filter out everything where (QtyOnHand + Supply) < Demand (I am a novice on the Aurena search capabilities, so cannot help you on that part):



:) its just one of a few things that come out of the box that doesnt work as we expected. i can find a work around i think.

I am currently working on creating new lobbies & elements and thought this one would have been a good one for the User to see on their lobbies to pin point shortages issues and resolve before they impact delivery.

I may have to create a query using the IPAP page (as you have suggested above) and then a lobby element on the back of that.

Again thanks for your help and responses always welcome.






Hi ​@SteveJ 

Are you using MRP to help plan supplies for these parts? If so you can check the MRP Action Proposals / MRP Action Proposals workbench to help avoid future shortages.


You can search for “Negative Projected on Hand” Message (or “Late Order” Message and filter by negative projected on hand date). This would show you where you have existing Shop Orders, but they need to be expediated to avoid a shortage.


Of course, another reason for a future shortage may be because you have not actioned a Shop Order Requisition generated by MRP. For this you can search for “Plan Supply Start is Past Due” and “Plan Supply is Past Due” which will show you any Requisitions due to start or end in the past (i.e. late or really late requisitions).


Have a read of this thread, it has a lot of useful information:

