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Hi All,

I need to remove all shop orders and clocking’s up to specific date, in IFS 08th.

I tried to do it by using “Mass delete closed shop orders and clocking” function.

But after running the function, still the shop order details are Visible in “Shop order window”

Could you please advise me the correct way to remove those Closed shop orders?




The correct way to remove closed shop orders is to use the Mass Delete Closed Shop Orders and Clockings as you have already found.

The closed shop orders should be removed, if you have selected to remove Orders in the dialog, and the orders fulfills the prerequisites as defined in the documentation.


Hi ,

Thank you for the reply.

I have already done the “Mass Delete Closed Shop Orders and Clockings”

But all those Shop orders are still in the system.

If closed shop orders are still available in shop order window, after doing “Mass Delete Closed Shop Orders and Clocking's” means those orders are not fulfill the requested Prerequisites.

But all my selected shop orders are in status of “Closed”.

So, is there any window which I could find what are the shop orders still not fulfill the Prerequisites?



