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IFS F1 documentation does not describe how the Dangerous Goods Classification can be connected with other functionalities like Shipment. It is possible to enter all the basic data with the help of the documentation but thereafter cannot find any information regarding how to connect it to Shipment for example.

Makeen wants to use Dangerous Goods Classification along with Shipments so can you please provide some information regarding the possible usages of Dangerous Goods Classification in IFS.

My customer requires splitting out Dangerous Goods Shipments.  Is there anyway to tell at Shipment Creation so it can be split out and assigned to a new shipment?

Hi Chalani,

If the information on dangerous goods classification is entered in the Part Catalog (Part/Dangerous Goods Classification) and that part is included in a Shipment, the Goods Declaration ADR is automatically printed together with the Bill of Lading for that Shipment.
The Goods Declaration ADR report contains the items that are classified as dangerous goods (ADR/RID).

