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Dear Community,

We have a case in customer order need help with it:

We have customer order line and quantity is 14 then we delivered 6 of 14 and line status became Partial delivered. after that our customer change his mind and told us he need 6 only.

Now we need change quantity to 6 and status must be delivered.

How can we do that? I think this is normal case and there is a way to deal with it.  



Are you not able to just change the CO Sales Quantity on the line to 6?  Assuming you don’t have any supply pegged to the CO line demand…



Are you not able to just change the CO Sales Quantity on the line to 6?


  Assuming you don’t have any supply pegged to the CO line demand…

how do that?

Sorry, I think I’ve misunderstood. You said you needed to change the quantity and you say you can.  Not sure what the issue is?  

Sorry for that,

I need to change Sales quantity in CO line but I cannot.

this is my issue.

You may not have permission.  Check with your admin.



I tried do that from IFSAPP user

but I faced this error: illegal operation.

I’ve not come across ‘illegal operation’ before.  

In an example like below, I double left click in Sales Qty field. Change Qty to 4 (total reserved and delivered) and save the record.  I have a message pop up about Order Confirmation having already been printed but that’s just an “information” message.



Hi @Norahmf ,

For partial delivered line ,you can always change the quantity if it is not less than sum of reserved/picked and delivered quantity. 

You can also use the option Close Order Line to short close the CO line where the status of the line will be changed from Partially Delivered to Delivered.

Hope this helps!!


Mithun K V

Thanks all,


it is slaved now.
