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We are trying to use Cycle Counting in Apps9. we have entered data for some parts such as 1,2,3,4 days for cycle counting but after 1 day of entering data we created a count report with part selection ‘Parts with cyclic counting'. When the report is created we can see it has included all the parts with different cyclic counts. How can we filter out the parts? Is there a way to run the report for the parts with specific cycle count?



Keep in mind cycle counting is per-stock record, not part.


So take for example a part that exists in 3 different locations with a cycle interval set to 30 days. On day 1 you count 2 out of 3 of the locations. If you run the count report again on day 15, it will list that same part but only the 3rd location that wasn’t counted on day 1.

We are trying this for the 1st time. So you mean initially we have to do a count for the part which we are using cyclic counting. And then onwards when we create the count report for cyclic parts it will create the report according to the cycle value?

Yes that’s correct. The “Latest Count” column in Inventory Part in Stock is a good indicator of which lines will be included when you run create count report as you indicated in the screenshot. That field only will populate if a count is actually registered against the part in that location.
