Hello Experts,
If goods have been returned against a customer order, for which we were already payed commissions, will IFS application create any commissions lines to deduct the already payed commissions based on the credit invoiced created ?, or do we need to manually deduct that commission amount?
I did following steps in the test Instance.
-Create a customer order with Qty =5 and add a commission line with commission %=10.
-Process the order till Invoiced/Closed.
-Ran the "Calculate Commission" job for the "Site", "Commission Receiver Group" and "Commission Receiver" combination.
-It updated the record in "Commissions Per Receiver and periods" window with correct commission amount.
-Then, retuned, 2 parts via RMA and created the Credit invoice.
-Customer Order > Order line details > Order line details has not been updated upon "Update all Commissions"