I would like to manipulate the Lot/Batch Number for By-Products as it’s received on the Shop Order. Currently, the Lot/Batch number for By-Product will automatically generate the same Lot/Batch group for the overall order. I would like the By-Product Lot/Batch Number to be in the same family of the component part the by-product was created from.
Example of current scenario:
Shop Order 123 lot batch number= 123-*-*-1 and
By-Product from that Shop order auto generates lot batch = 123-*-*-2
Single component used in the Shop Order 123 is from PO 321 therefore, component lot/batch no = 321-*-*-1
I would like the By-Product Lot batch to be 321-*-*-2 (same beginning as the component lot batch) when it is received on Shop Order 123.
I know the ability to manually enter the information is possible but increases the chances of user error greatly. Can by-product be auto generated to match the sequence of the component lot batch?