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Does anyone have any additional information regarding the Freight Booking Integration vs the Freight Integration?

From my experience, the Freight Integration has been available since 21RX and requires integration specifically with 3rd party broker PaceJet.

As of 23R1, I see functionality referring to the Freight Booking Integration.  It appears this may be related to the Freight functionality available in previous IFS versions (Apps 9/10, etc.)

What are the intended differences between these offerings?  

Bump.  Any folks have any additional information to provide on the Freight Booking?  The release notes are pretty limited.  


Hi Faraz, were you able to find any additional information on this?

Hi Julie,

Yes, although not from a specific document, but osmosis.  I’ve worked with two different customers recently who opted to purchase the IFS NA Freight Integration which works specifically with Pacejet. 

The Freight Booking function is intended to be a provider agnostic approach that IFS has slowly been rolling out over the last few major releases.  It would need to be configured with the 3rd party transportation provider you would integrate with, and I would suspect would need some additional configuration depending on the business scenarios. 

From a feature standpoint, the Freight Booking function still lacks:

  • Rate Shopping
  • PO Accruals
  • Accessorials
  • Addition of Charges to Customer Orders (Estimates or Actuals)

I have not seen a roadmap to indicate that these features are on the radar. 

Happy to share any other anecdotal feedback.  Feel free to send me a PM. 
