Work Task Posting Analysis errors for future periods
I noticed there are several lines in the Work Task Posting Analysis window with the following error:
The period 4 is closed in Company 200
I would appreciate help to determine what is causing this error. Period 4 is a future period, so there should be no transactions for period 4 yet but I’d like to know what/why this is happening so we can prevent it from happening again.
If you could attach a screenshot of the company 200 Accounting Periods for year 2021, we could get it more clear, however normally this error happens when the accounting period is closed for this Transaction month i.e. here for2021-07,
Can you check it and provide your feedback.
Kind Regards,
Good morning,
Yesterday I selected two of the lines that had the error and did a RMB and selected the ‘check and update accounting’ option. the two transactions that I had selected to check and update accounting on are now showing a different error, but am still unsure of what needs to be done.
In posting control screen, you can query for posting Types M93 and TP3 and see for connected accounts 5480 and 5415. Could be that those accounts does not exists in the system or it has expired Valid until dates. You can query for those accounts in “Accounting Rules\Code String\Account” and check for status.
Please attach a screen shot if you need further assistance.
Regards, Kasun
Here’s a print screen showing they two accounts are active as well as the two posting types
Please share the full error description here.
The value 5415 used for the code part Account is either missing, is a budget/planning code part value or has invalid time interval.
The value 5480 used for the code part Account is either missing, is a budget/planning code part value or has invalid time interval.
I ran the Transfer Work Task postings in the non prod environment this morning and the transactions that I had done the ‘check and update account’ are are showing the original error about Period 4 not being open again. My colleague and I are confused because we’re not seeing anything that would make us thing the transactions should be touching period 4 of the current fiscal year (future period) or period 4 of last year.
I suspect whether this could be due to a core bug. Somehow could you provide an screenshot to see how your Accounting Periods areset. Also let me know the UPD version of your app10 version.
Update 11.
Seems everything is in order further this seems to be happening when the Voucher is trying to create for Month August. Do you have any scheduled task to generate the vouchers or what is your Transfer process to financials?
Yes the Transfer process is scheduled. We’re running the following Work Task database tasks daily at midnight.
Transfer Work Task External Transactions (TP voucher types)
Transfer Work Task External Transactions (TE voucher Types)
Transfer Work Task Time Transactions (MT voucher Types)
Transfer Work Task Toos/Equipment Transactions (MT2 voucher Types)
Transfer Processing Transactions every hour
Transfer Purchasing Transactions every hour
Transfer Inventory Transactions runs every hour
General Ledger Update every 2 hour
Start Get Tax Ledger Info daily at 23:00
Since this is August now, I assume you have opened the period 4. In the Transfer process is the Transactions goes well now, please check for the Voucher date it takes. Then we can have an idea whether there is an offset to the Transactional date so it takes future values.
Kind Regards,
Yes, August period is now open and the errors related to Period 4 have cleared. However, now we are seeing new errors for period 5.
Yesterday there were 2 lines
first this this morning there were 6 and now (2 hours later) there are 12. Why does the system want to post in a future period?