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Hi community,


Customer is upgrading to Apps 10 UPD 12. During the upgrade following DB Locks has prevented the upgrade and took around 5 hours to complete. 



Upon a knowledge search, and confirmed with customer that,

  • no modifications made to the Foundation role “TOUCHAPPS_RUNTIME”
  • 'TOUCHAPPS_RUNTIME' role has not 'Fndmob_Installation_API' granted


Customer has seen this on all upgrades made in Apps 10 for them so far,

Does anyone know a possible reason for this and possible solutions? 


These steps solved the issue:

  • Check and kill any F1 job running via Database Sessions (IEE > Database Sessions > Search for Status='Active' > RMB > Kill Session(s))
  • Set the parameter of “job_queue_processes” to 0 (And after UPD12, please assign the existed count again for the processes
    (IEE > Batch Queue Configurations > For TAS/Mobile related queues are enough since the locking is on mobile APIs)
    • This will stop background jobs from running. Please verify that existing BG jobs are in the ready state/stopped