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Which parameter need to checked for user account validity in PSO?

My PSO user account is getting disable automatically after few days. 

How to set the user account active always or where do i need to check the validity(no of days) of the user in PSO.

Are you using PSO-FSM integration and SSO users?

Hi Sajith,

         No am using the PSO Administrator user. A standalone PSO users. 

Hi Team,

Any update on the above query. My PSO Administrator account is getting disable automatically every day.





Hi Team,

Any update on the above query. My PSO Administrator account is getting disable automatically every day.





Is it the generic user or have you created one? I bet someone else is trying to authenticate (person or integration) and keeps locking it.



It is the default user created in PSO. Nobody is using the user except our team. But it is getting disable automatically.

We noticed everyday night WorkOrder Schedule in running in FSM. So next day morning our PSO user is getting disabled.


It is the default user created in PSO. Nobody is using the user except our team. But it is getting disable automatically.

We noticed everyday night WorkOrder Schedule in running in FSM. So next day morning our PSO user is getting disabled.


Can you check to make sure the PersonID and PW are correct in the web config file?


<!-- Person ID for authenticating inbound data from 360 Scheduling -->
<add key="InboundThreesixtyPersonId" value="XYZ" />
<add key="InboundThreesixtyPassword" value="ABC123" />



I checked the value , the person id and pwd are correct.