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The problem sent by customer:


“ When I open an image from IFS in Windows photo viewer and want to save it as a PDF but with that you can only see the edges of each page in the file (middle does not show).

We have a colleague who uses Microsoft document image viewer (2010) where everything opens as normal, however, this is an outdated program and is no longer available for download.

Changing the default .Tif viewer to Windows 10 “Photos” app also does not work as only the first page in the .Tif files is shown, even though the file contains several pages.


Which program is recommended for use in opening .Tif files in IFS? “


Thanks for asking here.

In general, we do not recommend any applications for opening any file type. IFS Document Management does not “integrate with” or in other ways “directly control” what application to open. We simply let Windows decide what program to open (and the customer can of course override that).

Also, TIF is not that widely used nowadays so we don’t hear what programs customers use to open such files. I recommend that you do some research on the internet to see what options there are out there. I just googled for “good TIF viewer” and the good old IrfanView came up as a suggestion. I think it is still free, perhaps they can try that?
