unable to login into IFS Cloud - Invalid Username and password

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  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 32 replies


We recently upgraded CFG instance to 23R1 from 22R2, we have seen the impact that users having particular permission sets are not able to login into MWO App.

it gives error of invalid user and password.

we are not sure, what is there in permission set.

attached is exported permission set 



16 replies


form 23.1 onwards there is no selector called MaintEmployeeSelector which is based on a deprecated entity called MaintPersonEmployee. Now we have MaintPersonSelector which is based on  MaintPersonResource.
Therefore this could be a deployment issue.
Check whether data is synced or not to MaintPersonResource local table

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its personalization error, we rollback the personalization from page designer

and there is no error.

Userlevel 3
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Can the same user login to IFS Cloud (web)?

Userlevel 6
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To activate a mobile device (Any App) in IFS cloud, minimum requirement is Permission Set ‘MOBILE_APP_RUNTIME’. This can be grated to the end user role ‘HMH_MOBILE_TECH’. But the error invalid user/password could be because of different issue. if you do not have mobile grants then you normally get insufficient privileges error. Did you try to login the the IFS cloud web from the same user? 

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same user working earlier in MWO app using same permission sets.

now it is giving insufficient privilege's error

when it is upgraded to Release 23R1, problem starts

Userlevel 6
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We have done a improvement in 23R1 to realign Mobile Permission Set definitions. As a pert of that some permission sets have new names now. But we also provided the support for upgrade scenario where we update existing PS setup. Could be an issue in the delivery of some other scenario where we have not yet known from the database delivery. 

Can you please confirm that you can activate device if you add the ‘MOBILE_APP_RUNTIME’ PS to your end user role? 

Also could you please give a background like this PS was imported after the upgrade or was that there during the upgrade? Do you have a export of Old PS before the upgrade?  

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PS already existing in CFG, we just upgraded the to 23R1.

after adding ‘MOBILE_APP_RUNTIME, it is working.


please let us know what other changes are done which can impact the existing data




Userlevel 6
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There are no such know issues reported so far. But in your case this could be a defect in the script or a environment issue. Can you send us the Database logs from the database installer? Is this a cloud hosted or On Premise environment? 

Also do you have any other environments which are not yet upgraded to 23.1? We will check this with GSD to see any reported issues similar to this. 

@Kalana Rathnayake Do you know any reported issues with missing Mobile Permissions when customers upgraded to 23.1 track? 

Userlevel 5
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Hi @kathlk

We haven’t received this kind of case yet. 

@ramank Please raise a support case if you have any issue with MWO login after upgrading to 23R1. 


Best Regards,

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Ticket raised IBITM0002730

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after adding MOBILE_APP_RUNTIME, we are able to login into MWO App but when filling timesheet, we are getting below error.


Userlevel 6
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@skullk  Have you seen this error before? 

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any update pls

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data is present in MAINT_PERSON_RESOURCE table which means data is synced.




Then most likely this could be due to an upgrade/deployment issue.

Best Regards,

Userlevel 6
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Hope you have resolved the original issue reported here with Invalid/user name or password (But later it converted to Insufficient privileges)  by adding correct grants. Could be that’s also due to the environment issue? We runs set of upgrade scripts to migrate any data to make them compatible with the new release. It seems some were not executed correctly causing your PS to loose correct mapping. That caused you to get insufficient privileges error. 
