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We recently moved into IFS 10 and still shaking out some bugs we might have missed from the testing. We have two sites for one company. Most of our inventory and supplies for sending out equipment is at our 210 location. We have work orders started for technicians on site connected to the original customer order and project in which the original NO order was a 215. Therefore the Work Order is a 215. I want to consume the material from 210 on a new work task and sell it from 210. We create a customer order for service before we issue our parts as a placeholder of where to send the parts etc. When we try to create the customer order we get this error:

BUT on the other hand if we issue the parts, create the invoice preview, and allow the system to then create a customer order for the parts it does everything correctly for 210 as required

Is this a bug? Is there a patch for it? Has anyone else seen this or have input?

This case with Different site on the Work Order Header and Work Task, will mean that you can´t create the Customer Order from the WO Header Level.

You have two ways to overcome this.

  1. Use the invoice preview flow and create the Customer Order
  2. a)If you want to use a predefined Customer Order, Create the Customer Order, 
    b) Link it to the Work Task at Work Task Customer tab, field Customer Order Number.
    c) Go through the Report in
    d) Create Invoice Preview
    e) The Invoice Preview will pick up the Predefined Customer Order


