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The TouchApps server itself is set up and works for other instances. I’m deploying it for another instance.

First, I ran the “PrepareTAS.sql” job. It ran with no errors. I checked that the user accounts and table spaces were set up.

Then, I ran the “IFS Touch Apps Server Installation Package”. I check along the way to ensure that every connection works and that App Server can be pinged.

It errors out at the Install step.  This is the error in the log.

CREATE TABLE "APP_SERVER_SESSION_TAB"("CLOUD_INSTALLATION_ID" NVARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL,"BASE_URL" NVARCHAR2(100) NULL,"AUTH_TOKEN" NVARCHAR2(50) NULL,"STARTED_UTC" TIMESTAMP NULL,"STARTING_UTC" TIMESTAMP NOT NULL) <Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException><Message>ORA-01031: insufficient privileges</Message></Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleException>


If I log directly into the database via SQL Developer as IFSTAS, it allows me to create the table in the IFSTAS schema.

There’s no way to tell what UserID is being referenced above. Is it not IFSTAS? The table is supposed to be under the IFSTAS schema, so it seems logical that it’s the IFSTAS user, but who knows. Has anyone had a similar issue? Any thoughts?





Could you please try with user IFSMOBILITY ?

I’m not sure what you mean. Do you mean grant access to IFSMOBILITY? Or are you talking about the installer? There is no login for the installer - I just run it as the Windows server administrator. I’ve included a document with each of the installer screens. Can you tell me which one should use IFSMOBILITY?




@Chathuranga Samarakoon? Are you there? I realize you may be out b/c of the time of year.

HI @KKSloane ,

Could you please refer below TAS installation documentations.

IFS Touch Apps Server Installation Guide 1.15.0.pdf (

IFS Touch Apps Cloud (

Thank you! We were using the wrong user!


I really appreciate it!

I don’t suppose you have documentation for configuring the actual apps themselves? I have TimeTracker up and working on a test instance, but there are some nuances I’m concerned about.