
Syncing data in real time

  • 25 April 2023
  • 0 replies

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Hello everyone,

we are having a problem with the sync rule of a table:


Ownership Query:



Initial Query:

<hierarchy_select return_only_requested_attrs="true" max_rows="50000">


Related Query:

<hierarchy_select return_only_requested_attrs="true" max_rows="50000">


The idea is, that if the table C_WBS_CODE_TASK changes (adding row, changing row, deleting row) the table and the corresponding view C_WBS_TASK_VIEW will get synchronized to the mobile device in real time.So far, the ownership query correctly sends only relevant rows. Furthermore, new rows in C_WBS_CODE_TASK get synchronized in real time and C_WBS_TASK_VIEW also shows the new data correctly on the mobile client.

But if entries get deleted or changed in the SC/WC, the data still stays available on the mobile client, means the table does not get correctly updated.

As a side information, the edditing of the C_WBS_CODE_TASK table only happens on the SC/WC. On WC data is only shown.

Has anybody an idea how these changes can get synchronized to the mobile client in real time? I suspect it referes to the “Related Query”, but i am not sure what i am missing.

with kind regards,

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