I'm trying to create a event or addition, to set the Sales Quotation to state printed.
The Sales Quotation is released if the attached document is released, it is triggered with the below custom event. This works great.
But it does not trigger the print checkbox, and therefore the revision function is not triggered.
If a update is made for the Sales Quotation, the SQ is not revised, because it has to be in state printed.
Can someone give me a hint on how to get the state of the Sales Quotation to printed.
info_ varchar2(32000):= null;
objid_ varchar2(32000);
objversion_ varchar2(32000);
null_ varchar2(32000):=null;
pragma autonomous_transaction;
select q.objid, q.objversion into objid_, objversion_
from order_quotation q where q.quotation_no=doc_title_api.Get_Title('&NEW:DOC_CLASS', '&NEW:DOC_NO');
ORDER_QUOTATION_API.RELEASE__( info_ , objid_ , objversion_ , null_ , 'DO' );