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When attaching a report to a notification message, what format does the report parameter need to be in to ensure the report pulls information if the report has required operatorparameters

Hi @oladele 

Report parameters are specified using parameter and value pairs. You can use substitution variables as parameter values as below formatting.

For your example, (if this is a custom report please check the inserted parameter name and set it accordingly) I assume the parameters should be part_from, part_to, partgroup.
 Therefore the report parameters in the notification message , you need to insert the params as below (not exactly sure on the table and the columns, you need to make sure of that by checking metadata and report params) 


PS: Multiple parameters can be specified as above and must be separated by commas without spaces.

Hi @Saranga Amaraweera 


As the part_from and part_to are actually based on the part_id column as opposed to being a column themselves would I use this same format to specify an exact value that I would like entered every time the report is run?

for example

part_from={{0}}, or part_to=’0’ or is there another variable to this 

in this scenario the report uses    AND stock_bin_sum_view.part_id BETWEEN @ProductFrom AND @ProductTo 

or is having the report parameters set up like this what is causing the issue?


And with the partgroup, if I wanted to capture all partgroups would I leave this blank? or is there a format I should put to include all 


In a different scenario Purchase ordering - I have used parameter_name={{table_name.column_name}} POID={{purchase_order.purchase_order_id}} but this is still not pull through the data of the specific purchase order. In report admin the parameter name is POID but this is based on the purchase_order_id column - could this be impacting this functionality? 


Kind regards,
