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Trying to add more options to the screen here

tried updating this via the Lists but whatever option we add or remove, doesn't affect those options

Is this screen modifiable?


PSO 6.7030

Hi John,

You can modify this. Please ensure below.

  1. If you have an earlier defined list for Scheduling Workbench - Resource Columns, remove the Default List tick of that or delete it. 
  2. In the added list entries, make sure “Disallow” is not ticked and Show by Default is ticked.

Hi John,

You can modify this. Please ensure below.

  1. If you have an earlier defined list for Scheduling Workbench - Resource Columns, remove the Default List tick of that or delete it. 
  2. In the added list entries, make sure “Disallow” is not ticked and Show by Default is ticked.

Thank you @Sajith Anushan 

we did this, looks like the issue was with the user. for some reason the profile we logged in with doesnt see these changes.

Logged in with another and the changes were immediate! Odd

Another question, is possible to add something outside of the resources schema?

For example: Division. I wanted to add that. Looking through the scheduling schema (see attached PDF, pg 116)  i dont see anything defined for ‘Division’


Not sure how we are to find out what that is defined by any other way.


Hi John,

Adding Division should be possible since usually Resource Division is passed through Additional Attribute. Then List entry should be Additional_Attribute.(Label)



Hi John,

Adding Division should be possible since usually Resource Division is passed through Additional Attribute. Then List entry should be Additional_Attribute.(Label)




Hey thanks @Sajith Anushan 

i’ve tried that but the results are blank

I did





The division data is there in the resource


HI John,

Have you confirmed that Division attribute values are transferred to Scheduling side?

HI John,

Have you confirmed that Division attribute values are transferred to Scheduling side?

i misunderstood your method. I didnt realize i was creating these attributes separate. Which would mean we are defining this twice. But in the resource section it has a division. does that not exist on its own?

Hi John,

Did a quick testing here. Resource section in Planning data follows Modelling Schema; not Scheduling schema. Values we can add to lists in both Scheduling and Planning section are listed in Administration Guide - Section Seven : Data Fields. 

We can send the Divisions for Scheduling section and it will be transferred as Resource_Region entity. This is not included in Resource Data fields therefore, we cannot add this as a list value. This will be a candidate for enhancement requests but need to keep in mind that once the divisions sent to scheduling side, DSE will consider this for scheduling.

Next option is to define a separate additional attribute. Yes, then you will have to define it twice but it seems the option we currently having and it will not affect scheduling.  

Hi John,

Did a quick testing here. Resource section in Planning data follows Modelling Schema; not Scheduling schema. Values we can add to lists in both Scheduling and Planning section are listed in Administration Guide - Section Seven : Data Fields. 

We can send the Divisions for Scheduling section and it will be transferred as Resource_Region entity. This is not included in Resource Data fields therefore, we cannot add this as a list value. This will be a candidate for enhancement requests but need to keep in mind that once the divisions sent to scheduling side, DSE will consider this for scheduling.

Next option is to define a separate additional attribute. Yes, then you will have to define it twice but it seems the option we currently having and it will not affect scheduling.  
