
Place Serial Object in Equipment Structure

  • 21 March 2024
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +6


When we try in “Report In Work Order” to “Place Serial Object in Equipment Structure” we get this error:


The part is issued to the customer on the work order we try and use.

After it was issued on the work order, someone incorrectly tried to add it to the equipment structure, I suspect this is causing the issue, but cannot find a way to solve it.

The part is not linked to the object mentioned above.

Thank you in advance,



Best answer by Mayura Wasantha 21 March 2024, 12:11

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9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Hello, could you check and confirm the ’Current Position.” of the part that you are going to place in? This can be done by querying the respective part in the Part Serial window.

Is it in “In Facility” now?

Refer the below image, 


Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hello, could you check and confirm the ’Current Position.” of the part that you are going to place in? This can be done by querying the respective part in the Part Serial window.

Is it in “In Facility” now?

Refer the below image, 


This is what I can see, a bit nervous that it has a Superior Serial No. (it should not be there I believe!)





Userlevel 7
Badge +16

That confirms that, serial number 500154 has been moved as child object in 7000 123-500 500144 serial object. Thus, the given error message appears. 

How do you want handle this now? Move the Serial 500154 back into Inventory & issue it back?


Userlevel 2
Badge +6

That confirms that, serial number 500154 has been moved as child object in 7000 123-500 500144 serial object. Thus, the given error message appears. 

How do you want handle this now? Move the Serial 500154 back into Inventory & issue it back?


Not sure what’s the best way to do it, when I look at the object: 7000 123-500 500144 I cannot see the serial 500154 underneath:


I will try in our test system to see if I can move it back into Inventory and re-issue it afterwards.




Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Observation on Equipment Object Navigator is bit strange to me🤔.  Could you please open the ‘Serial Object; window and query for 7000 123-500 500154. Check whether it has a Belongs to Object?

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Observation on Equipment Object Navigator is bit strange to me🤔.  Could you please open the ‘Serial Object; window and query for 7000 123-500 500154. Check whether it has a Belongs to Object?

Problem is, that object doesn’t exisit (Searched for serial 500154):




Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Observation on Equipment Object Navigator is bit strange to me🤔.  Could you please open the ‘Serial Object; window and query for 7000 123-500 500154. Check whether it has a Belongs to Object?

Problem is, that object doesn’t exisit (Searched for serial 500154):




I hope you/your user has access to Site ‘NLS01’? Otherwise, it seems to be data corruption to me.

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Observation on Equipment Object Navigator is bit strange to me🤔.  Could you please open the ‘Serial Object; window and query for 7000 123-500 500154. Check whether it has a Belongs to Object?

Problem is, that object doesn’t exisit (Searched for serial 500154):




I hope you/your user has access to Site ‘NLS01’? Otherwise, it seems to be data corruption to me.

I have full access to all sites - So yes I unfortunately think it’s data corruption. Thanks for the attempt and ideas. Much appreciated.



Best regards,


Userlevel 7
Badge +16

Observation on Equipment Object Navigator is bit strange to me🤔.  Could you please open the ‘Serial Object; window and query for 7000 123-500 500154. Check whether it has a Belongs to Object?

Problem is, that object doesn’t exisit (Searched for serial 500154):




I hope you/your user has access to Site ‘NLS01’? Otherwise, it seems to be data corruption to me.

I have full access to all sites - So yes I unfortunately think it’s data corruption. Thanks for the attempt and ideas. Much appreciated.



Best regards,


Good Luck !
