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@kathlk wrote in post on mWO initializtion
When working with mWO in combination with IFS10 it seems that every time I disconnect and connect to the mWO application an initialization is started. It takes roughly 20 minutes. Bizar high number of minutes of course. I hope that scheduling will help.

Kathlk wrote:
'Concurrent initialization could also affect the server performance because of server start processing data in parallel. Also this could effect on Touch App Server as well. Scheduled Activation is recommended when customer need to roll out new devices. This will reduce the impact on concurrent initializations activities. With scheduled activation, customer can pre initialize new devices in advance which can be scheduled as batches in the back office. So when a new user activate his device, he download pre initialized data from the server.'

Just wondering, where is this described how to schedule activation as batches? In other words: which steps should one take to  schedule lets say 100 devices.

Kind regards,

Hi Steve,

Scheduled activation process is described in the documentation =>

But scheduled activation is designed to tackle concurrent user initializations. For example if you rollout 100 mobile devices, if they start activate and init device at the same time could use fairly large resources from your back end. So this scheduled activation  allow to sync them in the background in off peak time. When ever users start to activate devices, the data set already prepared and activation is faster. 

But your case I think 20 min sync time indicates a different problem in the data set and date filters. So I do not recommend to go for scheduled activation just because of initialization duration.  I think first need to view data volume you sync and individual sync entity timing. 


