Need to send the work task’s coordinates (latitude and longitude), on a mobile integration link for the IFS MWO Service. I’m having some difficulties with this, but I tested and can send it when using an external link command inside the work details using the following link:
According to the documentation, Integrations with Screen=Home can use data from the ApplicationParameters entity, Screen=Work Task can use data from:
I assume that’s why MapPosition…. doesn’t work. I did check the other entities and didn’t find any lat/long fields, there are however the My Work map views, which must also get their data from somewhere. Unfortunately this is not visible in Page Designer.
I wonder if someone in R&D can shed some light on where the map page gets the job lat/long from and whether these fields would be available in mobile integrations.
Map page gets the lat,long from a entity called TaskMapPosition, which is based on Mobile_Map_Position view. But in current solution these fields are not available for mobile integration.
cc: @skullk
Map page gets the lat,long from a entity called TaskMapPosition, which is based on Mobile_Map_Position view. But in current solution these fields are not available for mobile integration.
cc: @skullk
In that case the only alternative would be 2 custom fields on the task to store lat/long (populated when a map position is created/updated), right? Not the ideal solution, but a possible workaround.
Please add adding map position details to Mobile Integrations as an Idea so that we can consider it in a future release
Map page gets the lat,long from a entity called TaskMapPosition, which is based on Mobile_Map_Position view. But in current solution these fields are not available for mobile integration.
cc: @skullk
In that case, if I add a custom attribute to the JTTask entity would I be able to add it to the parameters of the Mobile integration? For example, if I created the custom attribute “C_CUSTOM”, how would I configure it in the parameters? Something like this?${Cf_C_Custom}
For some reason my earlier post did not get published. I had suggested exactly the same, custom fields on the task.
Just curious to know why you’d want to include the task map position in an integration link. Do you want to see the map position in an external map application?
Today you anyway can open it directly in the device’s map application?