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I have to add more conditions to a command in a assistant and set a field as required. what is the recommended step configuration or customization and why?

@Yehan Opatha are you trying to do this on MWO? and can you share the version of IFS Cloud that you’re on? What Assistant(s) are you trying to do this on?

That said, in general, Commands on Assistants are defined via code, so are not accessible in Page Designer to add new conditions to, so depending on the kind of changes, you might need to consider a customization.

If you want to change the Required property on a field on an Assistant, that should be generally possible. Note however that Assistants do impose some limitations on configuration options as documented here:

If you haven’t already, also check  out Conditional Fields, which lets you make fields Required or not on the fly, depending on data being displayed on screen. Bear in mind though that as noted above, there will be limitations when it comes to doing this on Assistants. See more here:

Best regards,

