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Serial Entered In Serial Structure Information is not flowing to MRO Disassembly Shop order(Receive MRO Shop Order), as we have to enter Manually  in Receive MRO Shop Order), is there any configuration to flow the entered serial from Serial Structure Information to MRO shop Order.

Hi TecNavanK

I assume that you are referring  this topic while performing Disassembly SO receipt. As I know, you have to manually enter the serial number by referring “Actual Off Log” tab . If business process permits, you can perform ‘Automatic Disassembly’ to whole structure or to a specific module.

Regarding custom configuration, I can give you an idea to simply this

Since all component parts under each disassembly module is listed under ‘Produced Part’ tab, You can create a custom RMB option there, which would perform the disassembly SO receipt without entering off-log serial number. However, this would require some lengthy code work.


